Hello, you’ve reached my website! I intend to use this space mainly as a repository for my academic work, along with occasional blog posts and some other stuff I haven’t yet figured out. Feel free to explore, though I’m afraid there’s not an awful lot to see right now. The website is still in the works - hopefully that will change soon. Your feedback is always welcome!
The general layout of the website is inspired by Aryaman Maithani’s website. Credits for edits (hehe) suggested by others can be found in the website changelog.
- Curriculum Vitae - Feel free to hit me up if you have something that might interest me :)
- Courses - A list of courses that I’ve taken/am taking at IIT Bombay
- Notes - Notes for some courses that I’ve (tried my best to) maintain
- Courses - Some of the gamedev courses I’ve taken in the past
- Projects - Some of the stuff I made, hopefully you like it
- Art & Animation - A little corner with my digital art stash
Visitor Count
(The count was started on August 9, 2020. It only displays unique visitors, no matter the number of times you visit the website or number of pages you visit on the website.)