IITB Courses
Semester 1 (Autumn 2019)
- MA 105 - Calculus
- PH 107 - Quantum Physics and Applications
- CH 105 - Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
- CH 107 - Physical Chemistry
- CH 117 - Chemistry Lab
- ME 119 - Engineering Graphics and Drawing
- BB 101 - Biology
Semester 2 (Spring 2019)
- MA 106 - Linear Algebra
- MA 108 - Differential Equations (cancelled due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic)
- PH 108 - Basics of Electricity and Magnetism
- PH 117 - Physics Lab
- ME 113 - Workshop Practice
- CS 101 - Computer Programming and Utilization
- EN 110 - Energy Engineering Fundamentals
Semester 3 (Autumn 2020)
- ME 201 - Solid Mechanics
- ME 209 - Thermodynamics
- ME 219 - Fluid Mechanics
- ME 221 - Structural Materials
- EE 101 - Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Circuits
- HS 101 - Economics
- SC 639 - Mathematical Structures for Control
Semester 4 (Spring 2020)
- ME 202 - Strength of Materials
- ME 206 - Manufacturing Processes I
- ME 226 - Mechanical Measurement
- ME 213 - Manufacturing Practice Lab
- ME 218 - Solid Mechanics Lab
- ME 224 - Fluid Mechanics Lab
- ME 766 - High Performance Scientific Computing
- MA 214 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis
- SC 202 - Signals and Feedback Systems
Semester 5 (Autumn 2021)
- ME 311 - Microprocessors and Automatic Controls
- ME 338 - Manufacturing Processes II
- ME 346 - Heat Transfer
- ME 307 - Mechanical Measurements Lab
- ME 374 - Manufacturing Processses Lab
- HS 301 - Philosophy
- IE 643 - Deep Learning: Theory and Practice
- SC 301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems
Semester 6 (Spring 2022)
- ME 306 - Applied Thermodynamics
- ME 308 - Industrial Engineeering and Operations Research
- ME 310 - Microprocessor and Automatic Controls Lab
- ME 316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
- ME 370 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines Lab
- ME 372 - Heat Transfer and Metrology Lab
- ME 673 - Mathematical Methods in Engineering
- EN 301 - Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies
- HS 200 - Environmental Studies
- ES 200 - Environmental Studies, Science and Engineering
- SC 218 - Analytical and Geometric Dynamics
Semester 7 (Autumn 2022)
- ME 409 - Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Lab
- ME 423 - Machine Design
- ME 441 - Applied Thermodynamics Lab
- ME 477 - Introduction to Optimization
- ME 651 - Fluid Dynamics
- IE 503 - Operations Analysis
- EE 720 - Introduction to Number Theory and Cryptography
Semester 8 (Spring 2023)
- ME 604 - Robotics
- ME 714 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- ME 794 - Stastical Design of Experiments
- CE 102 - Engineering Mechanics
- SC 652 - Statistical Learning and Sequence Prediction
- IE 506 - Machine Learning: Principles and Techniques
- IE 716 - Integer Programming: Theory and Computations
- GNR 649 - Planetary Sciences: Earth and Beyond
Semester 9 (Autumn 2023)
Other Courses
to be added shortly